Description - Anonymous CVS

The ssh fingerprint follows:
SSH fingerprint: (ECDSA) SHA256:Qs6vB2EJHP0oRQFuwhktmcjuaRA+pqTdaFuf1QSSH6M

{...} is simply an abbreviation for Substitute as needed below.

CVSROOT={...}:/cvs-misc has copies of the bgcnv, intcnv, and rasgen modules / repositories (repos).

How do I get bgcnv-current?

You can get bgcnv-current, and update the bgcnv sources you already got, by using cvs(1). You would do the following to get / checkout an initial bgcnv-current source tree:

% cvs -qd \
      checkout -P bgcnv

Then, cd bgcnv, and go for it! To update it, the following will do the job:

% cd bgcnv
% cvs -q update -Pd -A